Renamon VS Creatures poster
Renamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshotRenamon VS Creatures screenshot

Renamon VS Creatures 0.06.6

Game update on 14/06/2024. Created by TrapKnightwith rpgm. Available for download in en.

A lewd 18+ game that the developer decided to try to make after playing games like "Grove" as mostly a proof of concept for himself and his friends. As this is his first time using rpg maker, there will be a lot of bugs and inconsistencies.​

Game is avaialble for Windows

developer notes

From the developer verbatim:
I know there are no animations that play over your characters i couldnt figure out how to get that to work without doing it all manually so i just never did it and now im in too deep to change it so they never will.
To work on mobile devices the game as far as i know, requires the help of a program that can emulate rpgmaker such as "joiplay"
I dont intend to redraw the art at any point, its meant to be simple and easy so i dont lose the drive to keep working on the game.
You can try to carry over your save from a previous version to a newer one but you should ASSUME THAT SAVES WILL NEVER CARRY OVER because of how much i change every update. You can just use the crystal at the start of the game which will give you levels, gold, items, and access to the teleporter.
I feel like i should add a little disclaimer here, i have absolutely no plans for the game. Im entirely winging it by how i feel at any moment.
Its my first attempt and im surprised im still interested in making content for it this far in. i was prepared for it to die a week or two in. Im still prepared for my interest to die at a moments notice, so if you do decide to throw money at me to see the game get more content it is very appreciated, but also keep that in mind.
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205 MBRAR5/5/2024

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