Title: The Day I Sent My Aunt a Picture of My Dick
Based on a true story, this visual novel follows a shy 19-year-old guy who makes a big mistake. One night, while drunk, he accidentally sends a dick pic to his favorite aunt instead of his girlfriend. This mistake changes their relationship forever, turning it from innocent to something much more complicated.
Based on a true story, this visual novel follows a shy 19-year-old guy who makes a big mistake. One night, while drunk, he accidentally sends a dick pic to his favorite aunt instead of his girlfriend. This mistake changes their relationship forever, turning it from innocent to something much more complicated.
Join the protagonist as he navigates this unexpected journey. The story is filled with real conversations and events, making it feel authentic and engaging.
Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Android
Version: | 1.0 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | renpy |
Developer: | RSPstudio |
Platforms: | |
More info: | Patreon |