Game update on 25/07/2024. Created by Feraltermitewith rpgm. Available for download in en.
Join Doug Fooker, Nunya Bidness, and Kim Aginavi as they try to cure the zombie virus by going back in time to find a pure form of the virus. Join your favorite hero Doug Fooker as he travels through time fighting zombies and mutants to find a cure for the virus. Nudity and sexual content: Sexual content involves humans with anthromorphs, zombies, and mutant human hybrids. Sexual acts involve masturbation, orgies, heterosexual acts, homosexual acts, necro-play, non-consensual role-play, and transgenders. Sexual acts are explicit and genital on genital visual graphics can be seen in interactive animated images. Violence is mild; limited to cartoon violence. Inferred substance use.