Hackweight - Take a Byte 1.2
Game update on 16/01/2024. Created by metrackwith other. Available for download in en.
Introducing "Hackweight"- an Overwatch Weight Gain game! In Hackweight you play as Sombra, using your hacking abilities to fatten up some of the ladies from Overwatch! Hackweight features Mei, D.va, Mercy, Kiriko, Tracer, and Ashe as character levels, each boasting 4 stages of weight gain. Use your hacking abilities to unlock each stage of weight gain, and earn 2 weight gain sequences per girl! Future characters are planned- stay tuned! This game is a unique keyboard-clicker type game, in which you generate hack score by simply typing on the keyboard. Utilize various plugins to further generate hack score and progress to the next stage of weight gain- though be mindful of the timer in doing so!
Game is avaialble for Windows
Topics:2DCG, Big Ass, Big Tits, Female Protagonist, Strategy
How to install:1. Extract and run.
Developer comments:Download the "Big Noodle Titling" .ttf font to have text display properly.
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