Topics:3D game, Male protagonist, BDSM, Male domination
How to install:1. Extract and run.
Developer comments:Currently, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT is in a very early proof-of concept stage. While many of the core game mechanics and systems are available and working, much of the polish (Artwork, animations, sound effects) is completely placeholder for the time being. At the moment, we're trying to garner interest in the overall core game mechanics, so we can then afford to hire proper artists and art assets. Currently the only thing in the demo is a fairly basic version of the Hideout.
**DISCLAIMER** - All relationships and activities depicted in MIGHT MAKES RIGHT are fully consensual. We do not condone slavery, or other non-consensual activities, and everything here is done with a role-playing theme of consensual BDSM in mind.
SpoilerWell, it's been a little while, but I do have some progress to share! Things were a bit iffy at first, with the whole getting immediately banned on patreon thing...but that seems to be over for now. And I have made some solid progress on the project! Nothing to put into an updated build quite yet, but hopefully I can have something new and playable before long. Anyway, as for the progress:
1 - The dead-looking eyes of our previous character models were really starting to creep me, they didn't have any facial bones for expressions. It took a good while, but I've fixed the uncanny-valley faces, and added capability for some basic facial expressions. As you can see in the image, it looks MUCH better compared to what it used to.
2 - Breast physics! This one wasn't too much of a hassle...but it definitely needs some fine-tuning to "feel" right. As you can see in the GIF, the breasts physics are now's not perfect, but it's a good start. I'd like to eventually get them to simulate physical interaction with say, a whip as well, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
3 - And finally, chain physics. It might not seem that complicated, but holy hell Unity's joint system is NOT user friendly. It took me almost an entire week to get something that didn't just immediately fly apart. But now, it actually looks (and works) fairly decent! Chain physics are a nice little bit of immersion that will go well with many bondage poses, and several planned gameplay mechanics require them. For instance, instead of the current placeholder system where you simply command your slave to move to a new position, I'd like to implement a system where you can drag your slave behind you with a collar and chain. I will be working on a prototype for this system next.
So yeah! Things are coming along well enough. I'd like to get a very basic prototype of the combat system up and running soon, along with some character morphs, so I can complete the initial gameplay loop of fighting and capturing different slaves. Stay tuned!