A solitary island! Instinct! Nasty! The two of them confessed to her childhood friend who had always liked her, and when they found out that they had feelings for each other, they started dating. I went on a voyage to deepen my relationship, but I never thought that would happen.
Spoiler: More Informationâ—† Game introduction:
The player alternately controls Mamoru and Natsumi.
Ryuta puts the burden on Mamoru, so players can control Mamoru and complete tasks such as fishing and logging, and sometimes watch erotic scenes between tasks.
When controlling Natsumi, you can change her clothes and have sex with Ryuta through skinship. Natsumi needs to bathe in the bathhouse, and if she neglects bathing, her uncleanness will increase and her appearance will change. (avoidable)
This game has only one ending, and it is certain that the heroine will fall, so please feel free to enjoy the game. In addition, it is possible to completely release from the beginning in the recollection room.
Spoiler: More Informationâ—† Game introduction:
The player alternately controls Mamoru and Natsumi.
Ryuta puts the burden on Mamoru, so players can control Mamoru and complete tasks such as fishing and logging, and sometimes watch erotic scenes between tasks.
When controlling Natsumi, you can change her clothes and have sex with Ryuta through skinship. Natsumi needs to bathe in the bathhouse, and if she neglects bathing, her uncleanness will increase and her appearance will change. (avoidable)
This game has only one ending, and it is certain that the heroine will fall, so please feel free to enjoy the game. In addition, it is possible to completely release from the beginning in the recollection room.
â—†Character introduction
Mamoru: He often gets a lot of money, but he’s very popular because of his good looks and friendliness. He has very good grades at school, but will it really be of any use on a deserted island?
Natsumi: She is a childhood friend of Mamoru, and thinks that Mamoru is cute when she is embarrassed just by holding her hand or kissing her. She values this relationship, but she doesn’t realize that she actually has a very strong sexual desire.
Ryuta: A castaway who lived on the island before Mamoru and Natsumi came. He is excellent in various aspects other than abundant survival skills. He is also the owner of a huge cock.
Game is avaialble for Windows
Version: | 1.00 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | |
Developer: | deepmark |
Platforms: | |
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