Despite being an orphan, Mash lives a relatively peaceful and happy life in the village of Dorah. This all changes, however, on a day in his 17th year. Ol’ Samos, his guardian, calls him in for a talk about Mash’s long dead parents.
You see, Mash’s father and mother were the benevolent rulers of Dorah, and would’ve continued acting as such, if not for a mysterious stranger named Gorgus. Gorgus was by no means an ordinary fellow; he possessed the ability to command fire. For apparently only evil reasons, Gorgus killed Mash’s parents.
Spoiler: More OverviewNow, Mash is out for revenge, but that’s not all. Samos told Mash he must look for a girl with a symbol on her body. Why? Samos didn’t know anything more about her… what purpose does she serve?
Mad Paradox is a linear RPG that runs in DOS. The only control device it requires is a keyboard. As Mash, you begin in Dorah, complete a task, and then move onto the next town, where you complete a task, and move onto the next town. Repeat until you finally face off against Gorgus and beat the game. The battle system is strictly turn based, like other old school RPGs.
Game is avaialble for MSDOS
Version: | Final |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | |
Developer: | Queen Soft |
Platforms: | |
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