The “Gaiden” mini series is comprised of three short episodes that lead into the foruth game of the series, Inyouchuu Kyou.
Gaiden 1: The Shiratori Sisters.
Mikoto goes looking for Takeru, who has gone missing for some days, when she finds her she is being raped and made to give birth to monsters. Mikoto has to save her without falingl victim to the possessed humans tormenting her sister.
Gaiden 1: The Shiratori Sisters.
Mikoto goes looking for Takeru, who has gone missing for some days, when she finds her she is being raped and made to give birth to monsters. Mikoto has to save her without falingl victim to the possessed humans tormenting her sister.
Game is avaialble for Windows
Version: | Final |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | |
Developer: | Tinkerbell |
Platforms: | |
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