720zone » 3D games » Wasteland Guardians 0.1

Wasteland Guardians 0.1

Wasteland Guardians poster
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Wars, natural disasters and man-made catastrophes have brought this world into decline. People began to divide into different camps: both into good people who fight for their survival, and those who decided to release their inner demons and began to wreak havoc. Only the communities try to keep the remaining civilized world behind their high and protected walls, but not everything is so simple, because first you have to prove your usefulness by serving in one of the factions (“Fighters”, “Botanists”, “Lawmen” and “Gifted”).
You play as a former fighter of one of these communities. But, as fate would have it, you caught the death of your wife and, not thinking long enough, went into reclusiveness with your daughter in a secluded cabin outside the walls of the community. But your plans for a quiet life have to be put on hold, because someone has planted a note at your door.

Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Mac

Demo version:No
More info: Patreon

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