720zone » 3D games » Soft Serve 1.0 Final

Soft Serve 1.0 Final

Soft Serve poster
Soft Serve screenshot 0Soft Serve screenshot 1Soft Serve screenshot 2Soft Serve screenshot 3Soft Serve screenshot 4Soft Serve screenshot 5Soft Serve screenshot 6Soft Serve screenshot 7Soft Serve screenshot 8Soft Serve screenshot 9Soft Serve screenshot 10Soft Serve screenshot 11Soft Serve screenshot 12Soft Serve screenshot 13Soft Serve screenshot 14Soft Serve screenshot 15Soft Serve screenshot 16Soft Serve screenshot 17
3D Kinetic Novel. Built with the Godot Engine, so you can zoom/pan/rotate the camera on each page. Includes animations, various music, and sound effects. It uses a lot of tech I spent a ton of time on, like real time skin shaders and real time boob physics that don’t require any fancy graphics card.

It’s a short linear story, about one hour. I tried to make it highly entertaining and not waste your time. It’s made for windows, mac, and linux but some people have reported it not working on their machine. Because of this, I will be using a different game engine for my next project.

Alice is a goofy and playful young virgin that’s left her cruel mother to go live in the city. She meets Hannah, a cool girl who brings her to a very odd ice-cream parlor deep in the city. They learn the world is stranger than they thought and attempt to navigate it’s oddities.

The story includes lots of sex, loss of innocence, lesbians, Futas, weird sci-fi, and dark humor.

Game is avaialble for Windows, Mac, Linux

Version:1.0 Final
Demo version:No
More info: Patreon

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