Amidst centuries-long space conflict between Alliance of Free Planets and Neo-Terran Confederacy, allied crusier FSS “Isis” is sent on a mission that could turn the tides of war. However, among it’s crew, there’s one officer that wants to pursue his own devious plan…
Isis: The Fall is a visual novel in which you follow one man’s quest for revenge. Seven powerful female crew members of “Isis” are ripe for conquest; can you bring them to fall and save your homeland from another defeat?
Isis: The Fall is a visual novel in which you follow one man’s quest for revenge. Seven powerful female crew members of “Isis” are ripe for conquest; can you bring them to fall and save your homeland from another defeat?
Version: | 1.02 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | |
Developer: | Tjord |
Platforms: | |
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