Echoes of Eclipse is a thrilling visual novel that follows Nathan (Nate) Blackwell (You can change) and his childhood friend Skylar (Sky) Quinn as they venture into the high-stakes world of owning a cyberpunk-themed nightclub in a new city. Amidst the neon lights and urban chaos, they must navigate the challenges of managing their business while dealing with a dangerous local gang. As they fight to protect their nightclub and their lives, they uncover hidden secrets and face difficult choices that could change their future forever. Immerse yourself in a world of intrigue, romance, and mystery, where every decision echoes through the shadows of an ever-evolving city.
Echoes of Eclipse is a thrilling visual novel that follows Nathan (Nate) Blackwell (You can change) and his childhood friend Skylar (Sky) Quinn as they venture into the high-stakes world of owning a cyberpunk-themed nightclub in a new city. Amidst the neon lights and urban chaos, they must navigate the challenges of managing their business while dealing with a dangerous local gang. As they fight to protect their nightclub and their lives, they uncover hidden secrets and face difficult choices that could change their future forever. Immerse yourself in a world of intrigue, romance, and mystery, where every decision echoes through the shadows of an ever-evolving city.
Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Mac
Version: | v0.1 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | renpy |
Developer: | FxB Studios |
Platforms: | |
More info: | Discord |