720zone » 3D games » Dubious Practice 0.3

Dubious Practice 0.3

Dubious Practice poster
Dubious Practice screenshot 0Dubious Practice screenshot 1Dubious Practice screenshot 2
Picture this. You’re a brilliant Doctor, but your ideas have made you pretty much an outcast. Your life’s work has nearly been stolen by the one person you thought you could trust. And in a moment of anger, you end up using your device on that person, only for things to go sideways and ending up frying her brain a little. Upside is, rather than killing her, you’ve just turned her into your own personal slut.

So, maybe you should have stopped there, eased off the gas a little before you changed town and set up a fake therapy office to further test the device. Then again, with everything going your way so far, and a city full of test subjects just waiting to be met…why hit the breaks?

Welcome to Dubious Practise, a game from Cassie-Succubi and Fiddlestick, with help from Spi and Mysterious Stranger! DP is a 3DCG erotic game, very NFSW (Not Safe for Work) and is should only be played by those 18 or over.​

Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Mac

Demo version:No
Developer:Dubious Developers
More info: Discord

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