In the wake of his home planet, Neonine’s, catastrophic destruction, a freshly graduated interstellar fleet captain finds himself at the helm of a damaged spaceship. Alongside his skilled and loyal crew, including his girlfriend Naomi, a navigation expert, and friends Ethan, a starship mechanic, Lizbeth, a spaceship security agent, and Alice, a spaceship scientist, they must navigate the vast unknown reaches of space. Now, they must travel to the stars and distant galaxies to survive and uncover the secrets behind the destruction of their home world and everything that comes with it.
Amidst the danger and chaos, the interplay of romance and friendship becomes a vital source of strength. As personal relationships evolve, choices made throughout the journey can lead to passion, heartache, and growth.
Create bonds with your friends and crew, meet new and interesting characters while traveling to distant and distant worlds each one with its unique setting and vibe, and become the captain of your destiny.
Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Version: | v0.1 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | renpy |
Developer: | Lazy Gem |
Platforms: | |
More info: | Patreon |