Inspired by Shimesaba’s Higehiro (2017-2018), My Runaway Girl is the story of Toshio—a part-time convenience store clerk who lets Miyoko stay with him in exchange for household upkeep. Of course, both have their respective issues. Will they overcome their hardships together? Will a different relationship blossom? Or… will someone find out and punish them for their decisions? What happens is entirely up to your choices! The full game will contain 15 chapters, side stories that may affect the main plot, and three unique routes. You can pursue romance, friendship, or…. something sinister.
Game is avaialble for Windows, Linux, Mac
Version: | Prototype a3 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | renpy |
Developer: | shificz |
Platforms: | |
More info: |