Maple Hills College (originally developed by Dekarous) is an indie adult game, centered on the female domination kink, a semi-open world, turn-based strategic combat inspired by Darkest Dungeon and a focus on rich story and quest content. Set in a secluded city-state surrounded by the Canadian wilderness, you play as a student navigating a town plagued by high crime rates, threats of insurrection and a brutal authority figure in the form of the new Headmistress, Victoria Sterling. After narrowly surviving a raider attack, you’re forced into the role of a bounty hunter to earn your place in this strange society. Will you adopt your new life as a hired killer under Victoria Sterling regime, or raise the flag of revolution along with your comrades in arms? The game is currently under active development.
Game is avaialble for Windows
Version: | 0.1.2 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | rpgm |
Developer: | The Rose Grove |
Platforms: | |
More info: | Patreon |