This is a sequel to the previous work “Kilo the Magician and the Futanari Elf – Magician Development with Ejaculation Management! ~This is a sequel to “Kiro the Magician and Futanari Elf – Magician development by ejaculation management! This RPG was created in RPG Tool MV.
The story is simple and you don’t need to have played the previous game to enjoy it.
The story is simple and you don’t need to have played the previous game to enjoy it.
We’ve made the ejaculation management system more powerful and continue to implement elements such as the “Swelling Ball Switch” and the “Endless Ejaculation Management Room” after clearing the game!
Sex events: 21 scenes in total
Number of basic CGs: 23 (more than 300 including differences)
Estimated play time: 6 to 7 hours
Game is avaialble for Windows
Version: | 1.04 |
Completed: | No |
Demo version: | No |
Engine: | |
Developer: | Furomu Akio-Rumu |
Platforms: | |
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